The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (2024)

Ronbus is a grassroots pickleball brand that has become influential in the pickleball world through word of mouth and positive reviews. Known for providing exceptional value and quality, Ronbus has earned respect and a dedicated community of followers due to their transparency around their manufacturing process, involvement in online communities, and excellent customer service.

I was able to get my hands on Ronbus’ most popular paddles so that I could compare them side by side, note their differences and help direct you towards the one that would best fit you. If you are interested in getting a Ronbus paddle but aren’t sure which one, this guide/review is for you.

Table of Contents

Stats & Specs Comparison

Here’s a look at some of the key stats and specs of each paddle I tested side by side. I’ve included a column called Paddle Type to describe the overall playability of the paddle but will get into the nuances of each one further down.

All these paddles are elongated (16.5″ x 7.5″), 16mm thick, have a 5.5” handle, and have a raw T700 carbon fiber facing, so I didn’t make columns for those since they are the same for each paddle.

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (1)

Detailed Descriptions

Ronbus R1.16

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (2)

  • Weight:8 oz avg
  • Swingweight:118 (moderately high)
  • Twistweight: 6.11 (moderately low)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features: Cold pressed
  • Price: $120 ($100 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

The R1.16 and the R3.16 are the two most control oriented paddles of the Ronbus bunch and compete with control paddles that cost twice as much. It’s easy to take pace off the ball but requires more effort to add power. Spin comes easy and is naturally produced with your strokes without any exaggerated motions. For an elongated shape, it boasts good maneuverability. The paddle has a slightly larger than average sweet spot and a plush, soft feel, providing a satisfying sensation when making contact with the ball, which in turn improves control. If you struggle with popping the ball up, this paddle can assist in keeping it down. If you need help controlling the ball and improving your consistency, this paddle will enhance your soft game.

It plays most similarly to the R3.16. The main difference between the two being the swingweight. The swingweight is lower on the R1.16 which makes it more maneuverable and a touch less powerful compared to the R3.16.

Who is this good for? Anyone seeking more control, reduced errors, good spin, and a lighter swingweight will like this paddle. It does require more effort to add power so if you live in a hot area of the world then you may want a paddle from the Ronbus Nova or Pulsar line.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

Ronbus R3.16

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  • Weight:8 oz avg
  • Swingweight:119 (moderately high)
  • Twistweight:5.84 (low)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features: Cold pressed
  • Price: $120 ($100 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

Similar to the R1.16, the R3.16 is a control-oriented paddle with a square top design. As such, it feels and performs much the same way. One key difference between the two, however, is the R3.16’s higher swingweight. This extra heft allows for more powerful groundstrokes and makes the paddle slightly more forgiving. The twistweight measurement for the R3.16 was lower than the R1.16 but without knowing those numbers I would have said the R3.16 plays with a little more forgiveness than the R1.16. Nevertheless, it shares the R1.16’s qualities of excellent control, large amounts of spin and requires more effort to generate power though it will give you a little more power than the R1.16.

The R3.16 has a slightly denser, plush feel to it while the R1.16 has a lighter, plush feel to it. I thought I could control the R3.16 a little better since it carried through the ball easier at impact compared to the R1.16. However, I did notice a slower maneuverability speed compared to the R1.16, which some players might find limiting.

Who is this good for?Anyone seeking more control, reduced errors, good spin, and a higher swingweight will like this paddle. It does require more effort to add power so if you live in a hot area of the world then you may want a paddle from the Ronbus Nova or Pulsar line.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

Ronbus R1 Nova

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (4)

  • Weight:7.8 oz avg
  • Swingweight:115 (moderate)
  • Twistweight:5.82 (low)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features:Weave thermoforming, foam edge
  • Price: $180 ($160 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

The R1 Nova is a unique paddle that I’ve done a full review of that you cancheck out hereif you’re interested. It’s a different take on the popular thermoformed style paddles that gives it some more offensive options than the R1.16 and the R3.16 though I would still consider it a control type paddle. Albeit, a more offensive styled control paddle. It has a crisper feel than the R1.16 and the R1.13 but it’s not as stiff as the Ronbus Pulsar series, which I talk about next.

It offers similar power from the baseline as the Pulsar series but feels softer and is less poppy which makes it easier to reset balls and execute softer shots better than the Pulsar series but not quite as good as the two paddles mentioned above. Its combo of good baseline power and softer touch at the net makes it really attractive. Its one downside is its smaller sweet spot than you’d expect. However, the paddle does have a smaller sweet spot than expected, which can hinder gameplay. To overcome this issue, I recommendadding lead tape to optimize performance. Fortunately, this paddle has a lighter weight out of the box, making it easier to add weight without making it too heavy. Unfortunately, once you add lead tape it takes away some of the natural easier maneuverability of the paddle.

Who is this good for?Anyone seeking more control without giving up too much power will like the Nova. It’s a nice bridge between a pure control paddle and an all-court style paddle.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

Ronbus R3 Nova

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (5)

  • Weight:8.1 oz avg
  • Swingweight:120 (high)
  • Twistweight:6.15 (moderate)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features:Weave thermoforming, foam edge
  • Price: $180 ($160 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

The R3 Nova came out a couple of months after the R1 Nova and plays slightly different than the R1 Nova though they are both made with the same weave thermoforming technology. Like the R1 it offers similar power from the baseline as the Pulsar series but is a little softer feeling than traditional thermoformed paddles and doesn’t have as much pop at the net on shorter swings. It is easier to control as a result, though.

The biggest difference between the R3 Nova and the R1 Nova is that the R3 plays more forgivingly and has a higher swingweight. While it feels heavier than the R1, it is still on par with most other elongated shapes. The R1 is just really light for an elongated shape. Unlike the R1, the R3 doesn’t require lead tape for customization so I didn’t feel the need to add any extra weight to it with lead tape. It’s also worth noting that the R3 Nova is a couple of points lighter than the R3 Pulsar.

The higher swingweight gives you more on counter punches and volleys and just feels more stable in general. Like the R1 Nova, I’m categorizing it as an aggressive control paddle. On the spin side, it falls in line with the R1 with RPMs averaging just under 1900 which is great result though it falls just short of my very high spin category.

If you’re interested, you can check outmy video reviewfor it here.

Who is this good for?Anyone seeking more control without giving up too much power will like the Nova. It’s a nice bridge between a pure control paddle and an all-court style paddle.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

Ronbus R1 Pulsar

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (6)

  • Weight:8.1 oz avg
  • Swingweight:115 (moderate)
  • Twistweight:6.12 (average)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features:Thermoforming, foam edge
  • Price: $170 ($150 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

The R1 Pulsar’s traditional thermoformed design gives it greater power compared to all the other Ronbus paddles, particularly in shorter swings when countering speed ups or speeding up the ball at the net. Falling within the all-court category, this paddle delivers an excellent blend of power and control. It does, however, feature a stiffer feel compared to non-Pulsar paddles from Ronbus which can take some getting used to and may be more difficult to connect with for some players. Despite this, when compared to other thermoformed paddles on the market, it is one of the less stiff feeling options available.

One of the key benefits of the Ronbus Pulsar series is the larger sweet spots and greater forgiveness found in these paddles, making them an excellent all-around option for a variety of playing styles. Additionally, despite its elongated shape, it features a lighter swing weight, which allows for easier maneuverability compared to many other paddles on the market – including the R3 Pulsar, which will be discussed next.

Who is this good for? Anyone seeking more offensive ability and a step up in power than what a control paddle offers will like the R1 Pulsar. It gives you a boost in offensive ability without losing too much control. Combine that with its big spin and lighter swingweight makes this a very approachable all-court style paddle.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

Ronbus R3 Pulsar

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (7)

  • Weight:8.1 oz avg
  • Swingweight:122 (high)
  • Twistweight: 6.15 (average)
  • Length: 16.5″
  • Width:7.5″
  • Face:Raw T700 Carbon Fiber
  • Grip Circumference: 4.125″ (octagonal)
  • Handle Length: 5.5″
  • Core:Polypropylene Honeycomb
  • Special Features:Thermoforming, foam edge
  • Price: $170 ($150 with code 10EFFECT)
  • Warranty:6 months

The R3 Pulsar, like the R1 Pulsar, features a thermoformed design, but with a squared-off top instead of a rounded one. Interestingly, this slight variation in design actually impacts the paddle’s playing characteristics, despite sharing many of the same all-court playability traits as the R1 Pulsar. The R3 Pulsar offers the same benefits of extra power compared to other Ronbus paddles, as well as increased forgiveness.

The main distinguishing factor between the R3 Pulsar and the R1 Pulsar is their swingweight. With a swingweight of 122, the R3 Pulsar offers a notable increase of 8 points compared to the 114 swingweight of the R1 Pulsar. This higher swingweight enhances the R3 Pulsar’s power at the baseline, allowing for increased energy transfer and ball carry. However, it is important to consider that the R3 Pulsar feels heavier and performs slower at the net. In most cases, I would recommend the R1 Pulsar due to their similar play style, with the added advantage of being lighter and easier to manage. If, however, you specifically desire that extra swingweight, then the R3 Pulsar would be better suited for you.

Who is this good for?Anyone seeking more offensive ability and a step up in power than what a control paddle offers will like the R1 Pulsar. It gives you a boost in offensive ability without losing too much control. If you can can manage the higher swingweight then you’ll get more stabilty and power with the R3 Pulsar over the R1 Pulsar.





(Get $20 off with code 10EFFECT directly on Ronbus’ site)

What's My Favorite Ronbus Paddle?

Players love to ask me this question so I’m going to answer it for you here. Before I answer it I want to emphasize that what works for me may not necessarily be the best fit for you. Paddle preference is highly individualized, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all option.

That being said, my personal favorite is theR1 Pulsar. As a 5.0 level player with a strong sense of the soft game, I appreciate the added power it provides without sacrificing too much paddle feel and stability. The R1 Pulsar is also one of the lighter, thermoformed, elongated paddles out there which I’m a fan of. The easier maneuverability pays dividends in hand battle exchanges at the net for me. Plus, I like how it plays out of the box and don’t feel like it needs any lead tape or anything though I do like to useedge guard tape.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, each paddle in Ronbus’ lineup has its merits, and there is a suitable option for many players. I like and endorse their paddles. Ronbus’ paddle catalog is always growing but they do have a limited number of shapes, handle lengths, and core thicknesses. So if you prefer thinner core paddles or more options with a standard shape that’s shorter and wider then you’ll have to explore brands outside of Ronbus.

I didn’t review every paddle Ronbus offers so feel free to check out the others they have ontheir website. They do have one shorter and wider option and some EVA core paddles that I did not review and include in this guide so explore their website for more information on those.

Lastly, I would like to mention Ronbus’warranty policy. All Ronbus paddles come with a 6-month warranty, which is a valuable bonus, especially considering their pricing falls within the mid-tier to lower range.

Does Ronbus Have The Right Paddle For You?

If you think Ronbus has the right paddle for you, pick one up directly from Ronbus' website for $20 off using the code 10EFFECT.

Shop Ronbus

Reviewer Profile
Braydon competes at the 5.0 level and plays in 5-10 tournaments a year. He plays/drills 3 to 4 times a week and would play more if time allowed it.

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (8)

Braydon Unsicker

5.04 DUPR

The Complete Guide and Review of Ronbus Pickleball Paddles | Pickleball Effect (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.