Recap, Chapter Summary + Review: Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty - The Bibliofile (2024)

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By Liane Moriarty

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Book review, full book summary and synopsis for Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty, a family drama about four siblings, their missing mother and a stranger who shows up at their door.


Apples Never Fall follows the four Delaney siblings after the disappearance of their mother, Joy Delaney. The police soon identify their father, Stan, as a possible person of interest in her case.

As they try to unravel the mystery of what happened to her or where she went, the four siblings -- Troy, Brooke, Logan and Amy -- are forced to confront truths about their relationships with each other, with their significant others, with their parents and about their parents' marriage.

To complicate matters, there's also a strange young woman who showed up at Stan and Joy Delaney's door a while back, and who is now nowhere to be found...

(The Full Plot Summary is also available, below)

Full Plot Summary

Ending & Explanations

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Chapter-by-Chapter Summary

See the Chapter-by-Chapter Summary of Apples Never Fall

Quick Plot Summary

The one-paragraph version: Joy Delany goes missing, and her husband Stan is the prime suspect. Joy and Stan used to run a tennis school but are now retired. As her kids try to find out what happened, they end up confronting their own issues and in their relationships with each other. Last September, a young woman named Savannah showed up asking for help stayed with Stan and Joy for a while. It turns out that Savannah is the sibling of Harry Haddad, a former star student who is now a famous tennis player. She drops a bombshell that Joy is the reason that Harry left their tennis school. That revelation causes Joy and Stan to confront the issues in their marriage. In the end, Stan is almost arrested, but then it turns out Joy is alive when she returns from a 3-week off-the-grid trip with Savannah. She needed some time apart before returning to work on their marriage. The book ends with Savannah going home to confront her own mother.

The book opens with the discovery of a bike near the side of the road and four apples next to it. It then jumps to present day, the four Delaney siblings -- Brooke (29), Troy (early 30s), Logan (37), Amy (39) -- discussing the disappearance of their mother, Joy Delaney, who appears to have ridden off on her bike a week ago. She sent them a text message full of gibberish and hasn't been reachable since. They're worried that if they go to the police, the main suspect will be their father, Stan, since Joy and Stan had a fight before the disappearance.

Joy and Stan are retirees that used to run a tennis school. Stan did the coaching while Joy ran the busines. In their younger years, they played competitively until Stan was injured. All their kids also played and excelled at tennis, however, none of them made it to the top of the sport for various reasons. Amy got too "in her head" about it, Logan never "truly committed" to the sport, Troy was too show-off-y and not strategic enough, and Brooke got migraines that ended her career.

As the book jumps back and forth in time, it's revealed that last September, a young woman named Savannah Pagonisshowed up at Stan and Joy's door, saying that she ended up here randomly since she didn't know where to go after getting into a fight with her boyfriend who hit her. Stan and Joy let her stay the night, and they eventually invite her to stay until she's sorted out. They tell Troy and Logan accompany her to her old apartment to pick up her stuff, where they have a brief but non-violent run-in with her ex-boyfriend, Dave. As Savannah stays with them, Joy is delighted that Savannah cooks for them, a task Joy has always hated.

Meanwhile, on the news, there are reports of a comeback for tennis star Harry Haddad. Harry is a former star student of Stan's, and the subject is a sore spot for Stan because Harry ditched him as a coach before he got really famous. Stan thinks he could've gotten Harry even further if he'd remained his coach.

In present day, the siblings end up going to the police and Detective Christina Khoury and Constable Ethan Lim start to investigate. As they gather evidence, they see the scratches on Stan's face and that Joy made a lengthy phone call to another man, a Dr. Henry Edgeworth, the day she left. They haven't been able to contact Henry yet. The siblings also try to track down Savannah, who is nowhere to be found. They also find Joy's phone underneath the bed in their parents' room.

Flashing back to September, the book also follows each of the siblings' lives as this is going on. Brooke runs a physiotherapy clinic and is currently separated from her husband Grant. Despite her migraines, she has always been the most resilient and responsible sibling. Logan teaches at a community college. His girlfriend Indira has recently left him after saying he was too passive and didn't want her enough. Troy is wealthy and works as a trader. He has always been competitive, especially with Logan (who in turn has never cared to compete). Troy's ex-wife Claire has recently asked if she could use their frozen embryos to have a child since she is having difficulty conceiving. He and Claire split because he cheated on her. And Amy is working part-time as a "taste-tester". She has mental ailments which she struggles with and is seeing a therapist (Roger) for.

On (Australian) Father's Day (in September), there's a family gathering where Savannah cooks for everyone. Stan and Joy almost get into a fight about how Stan has always seen anything having to do with taking care of the kids as solely her responsibility. However, Logan changes the topic to his breakup with Indira. The family is sad because they all loved her.

Soon, Joy is hospitalized for two days due to a kidney infection. In the interim, the siblings start to suspect that Savannah is a liar when Logan realizes her story about her abusive boyfriend is copied word-for-word from an interview in a documentary. Stan also wants Savannah to leave (which later turns out to be because Savannah tried to come on to him). Soon, Logan finds Dave (Savannah's ex), who says that he never hit Savannah. Dave says he accidentally forgot her birthday, and she walked out when a TV segment about Harry Haddad came on. Meanwhile, Brooke learns that Savannah's last name is fake. Amy learns (with help from a guy named Simon she starts seeing) that Savannah owned a company that was shut down because it sold fraudulent tennis memorabilia. Savannah also finds Troy demands money, saying that Stan was inappropriate with her and that she's going to tell Joy about it unless he pays up. Troy gives her the money.

In present day, Brooke works on finding Stan a lawyer. Meanwhile, the police learn about how Stan has a frustrating habit of leaving, sometimes for days, when he gets angry about stuff. Stan refuses to get a cell phone and doesn't tell anyone where he goes. The kids think that Joy might be gone as "payback" for all those times. As the police investigate, a body is found, but it turns out not to be Joy.

Flashing back to October, with everyone's suspicions about Savannah growing, Joy decides to investigate, too. A search of Savannah's room shows that Savannah has an eating disorder and, more shockingly, that she knows Harry Haddad. At that moment, Savannah admits that she's Harry sister who they met once. The family soon gathers, and Savannah explains to all of them that her parents are divorced. She stayed with her mother and their father took Harry. As a young girl, her mother wanted her to be a ballerina, so she forced Savannah to diet aggressively. One day, she came to the Delaney's house to pick up Harry. She was desperate for some food, but everyone was mean to her and yelled at her. So, she came back to exact her revenge.

While some of the Delaneys are sympathetic (Savannah agrees to return the money she got from Troy), they still tell her she needs to leave. Before she does, Savannah drops the bombshell that Joy is the reason that Harry Haddad ditched Stan as his coach. It turns out that Joy suggested to Harry's dad (Elias) that Harry leave because she didn't want Stan to be traveling internationally all the time and leaving her along to raise the kids and run their business. (Joy tells them it was also so he could focus on coaching their kids, but later she admits to herself that it was more for herself and because she was angry at Stan for walking out on her all the time).

Right after Stan learns this upsetting information, he walks out. However, he doesn't get far because he falls in a pothole and injures himself. Instead, he ends up stuck at home recovering. By Christmas, Stan and Joy parents are still not speaking to each other. When the family gathers, Joy burns some food and when Stan is rude about it, Joy destroys a decorative china cat that used to belong to Stan's mother. After that, the siblings stay away from their parents' house for a while.

In present day, more incriminating evidence is found. A bloody t-shirt belonging to Joy is found behind that Delaney house. And a CCTV recording shows Stan putting something bulky rolled up into his car trunk. (Around this time, Logan figures out that he really loves Indira, who has supported him through this ordeal, and, he knows he needed to truly commit to their relationship. He offers to move into a bigger place which she wanted, and he buys a ring to later propose with.)

Flashing back to this past Valentine's Day, Joy wants to give a peace offering to Stan by making some apple crumble pie (which Stan's mother used to make), but her bike gets a flat tire on the way back from the market and she abandons it and the apples by the street.

Instead, Stan and Joy get into a fight when Stan says he's just read Harry's memoir. It mentions that Harry had cheated at tennis as a kid. (Troy had said so in the past, but Stan never believed him and Joy accuses him of choosing Harry over their kids.) It escalates into an argument when Stan accuses Joy of sabotaging him. Joy, however, says that she gave up her profession, for him. She gave up tennis when he got injured and instead ran the business and raised their kids. However, Stan says that she was never good enough to get to the top, and Joy angrily says that he wasn't the best coach for Harry (which she doesn't actually believe). When Stan starts to walk out the door, Joy has finally had enough of him walking out and grabs at him to stop him.

(In that moment, Stan thinks about how his own father had once laid hands on his mother. He thinks about how angry he is and how he is just like his father. However, he also knows his father told him he should just walk away if he's ever in a similar situation, which is why Stan forces himself to walk out.)

In present day, the police show up to arrest Stan, but then Joy Delaney walks in the door, looking confused. She has been on a 21-day off-the-grid retreat with Savannah. Savannah had just so happened to call her after Stan walked out (she was staying with Dr. Henry Edgeworth -- someone else she was getting revenge on -- at the time which is why the police though Joy had chatted with him that day), and Joy had decided she didn't want to be there when he returned. Instead, she wanted to go away for a bit and then come back to work on their marriage. It turns out she had left a note on the fridge for Stan but it fell off and the dog must've eaten it. Her text to the kids also ended up full of typos and autocorrects which is why it was full of gibberish.

Stan soon lets the kids know that their mother is back and there are hugs all around. Stan promises to get a cell phone so he will not be unreachable anymore. He also removed the carpet from their living room (which is what the CCTV footage showed) while she was gone, since Joy has always wanted it gone. He later tells Joy that he "understands" about the Harry Haddad situation, and Joy admits to herself that she gave up tennis because she chose to.

Sometime later, Savannah goes home to Adelaide visit her own mother. She thinks of how her mother forced her to lose weight by locking her in her room as a child without food. When her mother takes her sleeping pills, Savannah drags her into her old room, puts some food and water in there, leaves a note telling her mother to ration it carefully and then locks her in there. She then flies off. The book ends with Savannah returning at a later time, not knowing if her mother is still in there or if she got out or if she's still alive.

For more detail, see the full Chapter-by-Chapter Summary.

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Book Review

By Jenn Marie on Sep 27th, 2021 (Last Updated Mar 3rd, 2024)

Apples Never Fall is the newest release from Liane Moriarty, a family drama with a little mystery woven in. Liane Moriarty has been a big name lately with the success of the adaptations of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers.

Apples Never Fall opens after the matriarch of the Delaney family has seemingly gone missing. The four Delaney siblings end up being unsure about whether she left on purpose or if something happened to her, and from there the book follows each of the members of the Delaney family and their relationships with one another. Much of the book is told through flashbacks from before the disappearance that deal with their family dynamics.

So, while the premise of the book is the disappearance, the main substance of the book is a family drama about a group of siblings and their parents who used to run a tennis academy. The story starts off a little slow, but I’d encourage you to stick with it.

In terms of the substance, Apples Never Fall reminds me of a less “weird” version of Nine Perfect Strangers. It has solid characters, interesting and complicated familial relationships, and compelling inter-personal stories — with less of the strange plot twists that Nine Perfect Strangers had. (There is still a little bit of weirdness in it, though, but not as much.)

I love that this has really complex and substantive family drama elements, but it doesn’t feel too “heavy” somehow. I mean this in the best possible way. The book still feels like easy reading and the tone of it isn’t so morose and depressing like many family drama novels. The characters address all these touchy topics, but they don’t sulk or brood over them throughout the book.

I also like that the book ends in a sensible and satisfying way. Even though there’s a little weirdness in the middle, in terms of the main substance and overall narrative of the book, it’s solid.

Some Criticisms

As much as I do like Liane Moriarty’s ability to craft interesting family dynamics, I’m still not entirely sold on the mystery component in her novels. I like that she has some sense of mystery and suspense, I just feel like they get a little wonky sometimes.

Here, the plotline gets a little odd regarding the character of Savannah. Her motivations and justifications for stuff didn’t make a lot of sense to me. It doesn’t really seem like she behaves in any way a human would act. (See the Spoiler-ish Thoughts section, below.) Still, for the most part, I was able to look past it to keep enjoying the book.

More importantly, the overall narrative of the book makes sense (even with some weirdness regarding Savannah’s characterization).

Recap, Chapter Summary + Review: Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty - The Bibliofile (1)

Read it or Skip it?

I liked this book, partially because I had thought that with all of Liane Moriarty’s recent success that she would, quite frankly, just start phoning it in. Instead, with Apples Never Fall, she delivered a new novel that I think is solid. It’s substantive and satisfying, yet easy to read.

The main warning I would provide is that the book starts off a little slow. There’ also a little wonkiness in the plot as far as one of the characters is concerned (Savannah), but I was able to just sort of ignore it and move on.

Fans of Liane Moriarty should definitely read this book. I think you’ll love it. This would be a great book club pick as well. I’d also recommend this to anyone who likes family dramas in general.

As for mystery fans, the mystery elements mostly just provide the framework for the novel, so if that’s what you’re after, perhaps this will be a skip for you. There’s a mystery component, but it’s not the strongest point of the book. But fans of authors like Lisa Jewell (who incorporates heavy family drama elements into her mysteries) may still want to give this one a look.

So, what do you think, is this something you’d read or want to read? Drop a comment below to share your thoughts!

See Apples Never Fall on Amazon.

Spoiler-ish Thoughts

SPOILERS BEGIN HERE. You’ve been warned.

The whole character of Savannah was kind of disappointing. Why would she go seek out a house just cause she got yelled at a few times there? Even if she was a young girl, going into a house full of people you’ve never met before and demanding/stealing food is pretty ridiculous. She’d have to be pretty deranged to later think about that and be angry about them yelling at her. I guess that’s kind of the point, but the fact that the resolution of all the mystery surrounding her is “oh she’s totally insane and nothing she does makes sense” is kind of disappointing.

Plus, all the stuff with her trying to blackmail Troy and hitting on Stan just is so out-of-the-blue.

Beyond that, it’s implausible to me that the Delaneys would bring up Savannah’s name to the police and not bother to mention that Savannah was Harry’s sister. I mean what’s the point of bringing it up to police and having them waste their time tracking her down and not giving them the key piece of information to be able to do it?

Finally, the whole idea that Harry could somehow not find out that Savannah didn’t have cancer (like, he never asked her about it?) for a long time seems pretty implausible. Plus, why would he never mention it to her until the memoir came out?

There’s so many parts of this book I really liked, and I think Liane Moriarty writes fantastic characters with compelling interpersonal narratives, but I do wish this book was a little more neatly plotted in the middle parts.

Apples Never Fall Audiobook Review

Narrated by: Caroline Lee
Length: 18 hours 3 minutes

I liked the audiobook, and I thought it was well done. She does a good job with both the slightly sardonic/comical parts as well the more serious parts.

The book is narrated with a lovely, but thick Australian accent. I really enjoy the accent, but I suspect this may be a fairly subjective opinion. I’d recommend giving it a listen to decide if it’s something you’d like listening to for 18 hours.

Hear a sample of the Apples Never Fall audiobook on

Discussion Questions (Spoilers)

  1. How did your views of each of the Delaney siblings change as the book went along? Which of the siblings did you relate to or sympathize with the most?
  2. Which of the family relationships or family dynamics interested you the most? Did you find these relationships believable or relatable?
  3. In what ways were the Delaney siblings shaped by their parents’ marriage?
  4. What role did the tennis school play in the Delaneys’ lives and how do you think it shaped them?
  5. What did you think of Stan and Joy’s marriage? To what extent did you suspect Stan as the book progressed? Would you have considered it a successful marriage (before the events from last October forward)? How did your opinion of their marriage shift throughout the book? What do you think of the sacrifices that Joy made?
  6. In what ways the characters in this book the products of their parents? In what ways are they not?
  7. What did you think of the character of Savannah and why do you think she sought out the Delaneys? What did you think about her visiting her mother again? Do you think her motivations make sense?
  8. What did you think of the ending of the book? Were you surprised by it?

Ending & Explanations

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Book Excerpt

Read the first pages of Apples Never Fall

Movie / TV Show Adaptation

See Everything We Know About the 'Apples Never Fall' Adaptation

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Recap, Chapter Summary + Review: Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty - The Bibliofile (3)

Book Details

Highly Recommended

Published September 14, 2021

Page Count 448 pages

Goodreads 3.77 (out of 5)

Recap, Chapter Summary + Review: Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty - The Bibliofile (4)

From the Publisher

In Apples Never Fall, The Delaney family love one another dearly—it’s just that sometimes they want to murder each other . . .

If your mother was missing, would you tell the police? Even if the most obvious suspect was your father? This is the dilemma facing the four grown Delaney siblings.

The Delaney family is a communal foundation. Stan and Joy are the envy of all of their friends. They’re killer on the tennis court, and off it their chemistry is palpable. But after fifty years of marriage, they’ve finally sold their famed tennis academy and are ready to start what should be the golden years of their lives. So why are they so miserable?

The four Delaney children—Amy, Logan, Troy, and Brooke—were tennis stars in their own right, yet as their father will tell you, none of them had what it took to go all the way. But that’s okay, now that they’re all successful grown-ups. Well, that depends on how you define success. No one in the family can really tell you what Troy does, but based on his fancy car and expensive apartment, he seems to do it very well, even if he blew up his perfect marriage. Logan is happy with his routine as a community college professor, but his family finds it easier to communicate with his lovely girlfriend than him. Amy, the eldest, can’t seem to hold down a job or even a lease, but leave it to Brooke, the baby of the family, to be the rock-steady one who is married with a new solo physiotherapy practice . . . which will take off any day now.

One night a stranger named Savannah knocks on Stan and Joy’s door. She says she chose their house because it looked the friendliest. And since Savannah is bleeding after a fight with her boyfriend, the Delaneys are more than happy to give her the small kindness she sorely needs. If only that was all she wanted.

Later, everyone will wonder what exactly went on in that household after Savannah entered their lives that night. Because now Joy is missing, no one knows where Savannah is, and the Delaneys are reexamining their parents’ marriage and their shared family history with fresh, frightened eyes.

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Recap, Chapter Summary + Review: Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty - The Bibliofile (2024)


What happens in Apples Never Fall summary? ›

It centers around the Delaneys, a family who has plenty of secrets, many of which are exposed after their matriarch, Joy (Annette Bening), went missing. Joy's disappearance rocks the community, especially as her husband, Stan (Sam Neill), becomes the prime suspect in the case.

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Savannah crashes the car and escapes, but not before telling an unconscious Joy she forgives her, and she hopes Joy can forgive her, too. Eventually, with Savannah still on the run, Joy makes it back to her family and they all reconcile.

Who is Savannah in Apples Never Fall summary? ›

Meanwhile, her family back home has also discovered that Savannah was never a woman who was being abused by her boyfriend (Troy discovers that she had stolen her backstory from a daytime talk show) but is instead Lindsay Haddad, the little sister of Stan's former student, Harry.

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Joy eventually discovers that Savannah is actually Harry Haddad's sister, Lindsey. So-called Savannah is a bitter and angry blast from the past who had to grow up without her dad and brother and with her delusional mother.

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16L While the search for Joy intensifies, her son Logan is determined to direct the police away from his own family. 16L Retirement is not what Joy and Stan Delaney hoped it would be until a mysterious visitor arrives; when Joy later goes missing, her children suspect foul play.

Why did Savannah choose the Delaneys? ›

But Savannah had a secret: She's actually the younger sister of Harry Haddad, the tennis pro Stan coached before he was fired unceremoniously. Savannah came to the Delaneys to exact revenge. Her grudge is different in both, but it comes down to this: Savannah's mom was abusive.

Is Apples Never Fall a true story? ›

According to NBC, the novel version of the show is fiction, “But author Liane Moriarty did draw inspiration from several true crime cases. Moriarty told The Sydney Morning Herald the idea for the book came to her while listening to true crime podcasts during the COVID-19 pandemic as the world was in lockdown.”

Will Apples Never Fall be a movie? ›

Apples Never Fall is a mystery drama television miniseries developed by Melanie Marnich and based on Liane Moriarty's novel of the same name. It premiered on Peaco*ck on March 14, 2024. Call Me Mel Productions Inc.

Why is it called Apples Never Fall? ›

Many have speculated that the title comes from the popular proverb, “The apple never falls far from the tree,” meaning a child often grows up to be similar to its parents.

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But Savannah has other plans and skips the big turn, attempting to kidnap Joy — the mother she never had. She wants to ruin Joy's happy family like Joy and Stan ruined hers when they helped catapult Harry's career, leaving Savannah feeling lonely and left behind.

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Summary. The ending of Apples Never Fall reveals that Joy is alive and well, despite the characters accepting that she's probably dead. Savannah's true identity as Lindsay Haddad is exposed, and the finale reveals that she's a dangerous person who chose the Delaneys for a reason.

What did Joy do to Savannah? ›

The truth is much scarier: Joy felt bad for Savannah and took her in, treating her like one of her own children because the young woman apparently had no family. She chooses to ignore every red flag tied to who Savannah is because she believes the best in humanity.

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It turns out: Savannah is Harry's sister. The four Delaney children seek out Harry, who tells them that Savannah's real name is Lindsey. Harry became estranged from Lindsey/Savannah after Joy recommended that Harry drop Stan and find a new coach.

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Scholars and historians debate what inspired the design for Savannah's innovative city plan, but it is clear that James Edward Oglethorpe laid out the city's first four squares. Uniquely, Savannah kept using the original city plan long after the Trustees stopped managing the colony.

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Marnich says that like the book, they have “surprises right up until the end” of the seventh episode, which answers all of the burning questions. But there is no plan for an Apples Never Fall Season 2 no matter how juicy of an ending it is.

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They are gathered and churned into nutrient-rich compost, which is then used to fortify the orchard soil. This composting practice not only minimizes waste but also enriches the ground, ensuring the longevity and health of apple trees. Some fallen apples also find a second life in the livestock pastures.

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Divorce, calculated infidelities, physical abuse, long periods of chilly silence, distrust, selfishness, disappointment, the dark itch of lust, emotional indifference, the solace of distance, emotional and geographical—overall, the novel seems to dismiss love as a chimerical fantasy.

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In the story's twist ending, the girl reveals that she brought it from their slave, Rayhan. Ja'far thus realizes that his own slave was the culprit all along. He then finds Rayhan and solves the case as a result, arresting him and taking him to the Caliph.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.