Guide - [SKYBLOCK FAQ] Answer on the most frequently asked questions related to skyblock (2024)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions. In this thread I will try to answer on your potential question.

I. How do I deal more damage. My [enter_weapon_name] does only [enter_damage_amount]?

1) Check your combat level, to maximise your damage you need atleast combat 50.
2) MP. Usually a reason for low damage. Talismans make up to 80-85% of damage. Bare minimum in current standards is around 400 MP. MP stands for Magical Power.
3) Check your enchants, reforges and just generally upgrades your gear has.

Make sure sword/bow has:
- Tier 6 enchants(with exception of Venomous VI, Prosecute/Execute VI, First Strike V, Cubism VI. Those are tier 7 enchants, despite being 'level 6').
- Hot potato books(if rich enough, then fuming too)
- 5 stars
- Ultimate enchantment - Soul Eater/Duplex/Chimera/Fatal Tempo. If magic weapon - Ultimate Wise. Depends on weapon and your budget, please don't apply Duplex or Chimera on cheap weapon, it's not worth it, thanks.
- Gemstone slots unlocked. Gemstones are practically permanent stat boost.

Make sure your armor:

- Is right one. E.g. if you looking for magic damage, use armor with high base intelligence. Or armor shouldnhave good strength and/or crit damage as base stat if you looking for bow/melee damage.
- Your armor has right reforge, AKA if you looking for RCM(right click mage(aka ability spam)) damage, use necrotic + loving. Use ancient, if you need bow/melee damage.

4) Make sure you have right pet. Baby Yeti, Whale, Turtle aren't intended to be DPS/DPH pets, they are made for surviving.

If you looking for pet that buffs magic damage, use: Sheep, Lion or if you really wealthy - Golden Dragon. Pretty sure Ender Dragon also works, if you looking for damage outside of dungeons.

If you looking for melee damage, then there are a lot of options: Zombie, Lion, Wither Skeleton, Ender Dragon, Golden Dragon, Giraffe and etc.

If you need arrow damage: Basically every melee pet or skeleton pet as cheaper alternative.

5) Make sure you use right Accessory Power. If you looking for melee/archer DPS use: Itchy, Scorched, Hurtful, Bloody. Exception is made Terminator - Warrior/Fortuitous, depending on your magical power.

For ability spamming damage use - Sighted(Ender Monocle) or Bizarre(Eccentric Painting). However second is very expensive and is barely any better then Sighted, while costing hundreds of millions more.

II. I wanna start co-op profile. Who wanna join me?

Please, do NOT start or ask anyone to join your co-op. You risking to lose ALL the progress you will make on this profile, because there's no guarantee that the people you inviting in your co-op will kick you off, taking all the items you had.

If you really want to start co-op, start it only with trusted by you people. Under 'trusted' i mean those you know for atleast 1 year, preferably more. Even considering this, there are still no guarantees that you will not lose your profile and progress.

III. I wanna download mod. Is this mod a rat?

Before downloading any mod, make sure it's known by a lot of people and is located in reliable source(GitHub is usually this 'reliable' source).

To check if mod is actually well-known its enough to look it up on YouTube, if there are multiple videos from multiple SkyBlock YouTube creators, this mod is most likely safe to use. However still make sure to use reliable source. MediaFire as example is high chance to get a R.A.T.

If you still not sure if this mod is safe to use, ask your friends on hypixel, if you have some. Maybe someone uses this mod. However I recommend asking only people you are trusting to.

You may always check the mod for being R.A.T on website: Not 100% accurate, but atleast something(Credit for website suggestion goes to Davinc3E).

IV. I want to make money. What are possible MMMs(Money Making Methods) I can do?

Most popular money making methods:

- Auction/Bazaar flipping. Including sub-MMMs like craft/forge to auction, bin sniping, Auction to BIN flipping.

- Farming in the Garden.

- Rift. You can mine living hearts, farm half-eaten carrots or grind motes for Hocus-Pocus Cipher/Rift Prism. Also Vampire Slayer is profitable one.

- Mining. However requires time to get in.

- Lowballing, however i don't recommend doing that without atleast 500,000,000 coins on your purse.

- Fragrunning on Floor VII.

- Doing slayers/dungeon floors for rare drops. A lot of them are actually profit, certain ones bring upwards of 700,000,000 coins profit.

- Doing superpairs daily. If you have good enchanting level, you may very rarely drop tier 7 enchanting books, those usually cost tens and hundreds of millions coins.

- Participating in events like Spooky Festival, Fishing Festival, Mythological Rituals, Gift Defending and etc.

- Placing down minions. Passive profit.

V. Am I juju non?

Let's see. Most of people would consider you as juju non, if:

- Your average skill level is <30.
- Your juju doesnt have Soul Eater 3+, Overload 3+.
- Your secrets per run average is very low(<6,0; There are exceptions though).
- You don't have proper gear. Under that i mean recombed okay'ish Necron/SA + golden head with atleast next upgrades: Ancient, 5 starred, hot potato books. If SA - slots and fragged are mandatory.
- Your magical power is sub 500.
- Your slayers are low. Under low i mean anything that isnt 7/7/6/5 atleast.
- You have barely any/don't have maxed collections.
- Your unique minion count is sub 55%.
- Your enchanting level doesn't allow you to use certain important enchants.

If you checked everything realised that 80% of this isn't applied to you, then most likely you aren't juju non. However most of people's opinion is very subjective and may range from a person to person.

VI. What magical power does Terminator/Hyperion/Juju need?

Again, the opinion on how much of Magical Power those weapons require/need to be good is very subjective, but...

Juju: ~500 MP
Terminator: ~800-900(preferably even more) MP
Hyperion: ~800-900 MP

Obviously you can get away with less magical power in certain cases and when applied to the weapons like Hyperion that have no penalty for using it. Once again, opinions are very subjective and there are no way to define how much you need.

VII. Help, i got scammed. What can I do? Can anyone give me coins? Thanks.

In case you got scammed, there's no way to get your items back. Sadly, but it's most likely your fault for it. Admins are NOT responsible for any trades you make.

And no, sadly, no one will give you coins, after all no one is fault for getting scammed.

What surely you can do is:

- /report (name_of_scammer) and select Chat Abuse/Spam option. If you have friends, ask them to do the same. If multiple reports will be sent, there are chances for scammer to get banned from Hypixel Network.

- If you reported good job, but now you need to think about what should you do:

• You may consider quitting the game. Maybe you have too much of stuff to concentrate in real life or maybe you just give up. Who knows?

• Trying to make money/items back.

Oh and please, if you planning to showcase the scammer on Hypixel Forums, make sure to blur their in game nickname or discord name. You may ask, why? Well, you see forums rules doesn't allow public shaming, in the very least, if you won't blur the in game nickname/discord name of scammer, your post will get deleted. In worst case - you will get banned off forums.

VIII. I got ratted. What can I do?

Same thing as when you got scammed. Once again, admins are NOT responsible for your actions and items.

More information about ratting you may find in this thread:

IX. How do I get combat XP fast?

1) Do slayers. Not only slayers give a lot of combat xp, but also each unique boss tier you slay gives permanent combat xp gain boost.
2) Use pet with a Combat XP boost perk. Under that category falls: Wolf, Ghoul, Enderman, Tarantula and etc.
3) You may also use weapon with Champion enchantment, this enchantment increases combat xp gain.
4) Use booster cookie, if you rich enough.
5) Level up bestiary.
6) You may as well wait for Derpy, since this mayor has skill xp boost.

As an alternative to slayers you may kill Ghouls in the Crypts(located on 'Graveyard' in the Hub, looks like a cave), mobs in Deep Caverns(Diamond Reserve or Obsidian Sanctuary), Dwarven Mines mobs(Ice walkers, Goblins), mobs in The End/Bruiser Hideout/Void Sepulture.

Also if you strong enough you may do solo floor 6 runs, they give a lot of combat xp. Or just do floor 6 with party finder.

Not to mention, you may kill mobs on Crimson Isle, but those are very tanky.

X. An 'blacklisted' item got removed from [enter_menu_name]. It was my [enter_item_name] is there any way I can get it back?

Sadly, no. Most likely you had duped item, duped items are considered to be as 'blacklisted' items and there's no way you getting it back.

XI. I lost my items due to a bug, what can I do?

Report this bug to admins, there's specific section made for it on forums. Explain how exactly you lost your item and maybe you will get it back. Not 100% guaranteed though.

XII. I got wiped, but i don't know what's the reason for it. Can someone help me out?

First, make sure you actually got wiped. In case you got wiped, you should were get message about it when you just logged on the Hypixel. Pretty sure, this message also mentions exact reasons you got wiped for.

In 99,9% cases, you can't do anything about it.

In case you haven't got this message and/or you have sign on your island saying that you got wiped. It means you actually got hacked, most oftenly by downloading ratted mods or by verification on suspicious discord servers.

The only thing you can do, in case if it's discord server, is report this server on discord.

XIII. What gamestage am I at? OR: Am I [enter-game stage name] yet?

Realistic way to check your gamestage is by going into yours Skyblock Levels menu -> Skyblock Guide. Then hover over enchanted map in this menu, it will show your current gamestage according to official metrics.

However if you want to ask community's opinion, make sure that those opinions are highly subjective and are vary from person to person. There are no person who will say your exact gamestage. Not only that, but community's metrics are far different to official.

XIV. What catacombs level do I need for Floor [Enter number of floor]?

Credit for information(contributor): Fluboxer.

F1-F7 just lowest level it allow you in. Hard part for first-time players is skill issue, not number issue. I'm not ****posting, lack of understanding what you need to do here and there to go fast is what makes low floors into a miserable experience. When you know what are you doing actually bothered to watch like a single guide you can proceed there just fine even at F7. If you open this you may as well check out some of my replies that add to the post

M1-M2 you just do once and then maybe come back after getting c50 so you can farm 1k boss kills for extra sb xp. I would recommend doing those floors 5 times for bonus cata xp tho


M3: c30 (finding parties was easy, its usually 4 archer spam + 1 tank)
M4: c33 (finding parties is impossible even tho floor itself isn't that hard? pf for this floor is overcooked, but if you can get team - go for it, it is good mone and better cata than M3)
M5: c33 (playable, but finding parties sucked so much I grinded M3 til recomb so I could get c36)
M6: c36 (Unlike previous runs, this one I didn't intended to play at that level - I did only few runs before milking M5 til c40. Despite going in for sole purpose of getting more cata xp, I got a lot of good stuff from it. Keep gambling!)
M7: c42 (if anyone wanna repeat this one - you will need a lot of lube, clearing is sluggish even at hypermax gear with new talisman and uber arrows it is c42 m7 clearing is good now even as non-dps class and window for error is comically small - at this point it is borderline carrying it is actually quite wide, see below)
M7 follows same formula as F7 - once you do it few times, your next runs will be much better and easier. Once you know when to use ult and what team expects from you to do, it will flow quite easily

If anyone want to repeat this - you have to consider following:
I'm capable of malding trough floors I'm not supposed to be and I generally enjoy playing games wrong
When I got to c24 of F7, I had previous profile with hundreds of F7 done (tho it was old F7) and I knew what to do. I didn't had luxury of being rich back then tho
When I went to mm, I had >300 lvl and 20b nw so I could afford decent gear. I also had established mmm in form of T5 kuudra
After several M5 runs I decided that I like dungeons again and got 10 stars on everything. It had only first 2 mstars before then and my term had duplex (new one I got has SE5 - it does carry your clearing)
I were using stacked diamond heads of respective floors (2 mstar prof head, 4 mstar livid head, 4 mstar sadan head, 5 mstar hypermaxed necron head)
At M6 and M7 you won't get away with going as dps with low cata or gear as lack of dps will ruin whole run - those floors I'm playing as tank
Your M7 runs need to be shorter than 10 minutes if you want cata xp to be on par/better than M6. Exception - you are doing only 5 daily runs. If your healer knows how to play it won't be too hard to get even if your team have severe DPS issue
bonus: for your first M7 runs if you have friends or guildmates to play with you that posess c50 - ask them to play 5 runs with you. Make sure those runs are first of the day so you can stack dailies + first bonus for big cata xp.

XV. I have [enter number] coins. What do I invest in?

1) Invest in passive money making method. AKA minions.
2) Invest in active money making method. E.g. farming/mining and etc.
3) May as well buy some talismans.
4) Probably invest in long term investments like Art of Wars or any other items that guaranteed to grow up in future.
5) Probably spend some coins for potential event gear, like as example Daedalus Axe.
6) May as well spend some coins on Museum.

Credit for suggestion: Davinc3E.

XVI. I have [enter number] coins. What minions do I buy ? OR: What minions are best for money?

For very low budget: Melons, Clays and Snow minions are okay.

For bigger budget you may setup: Slime Minions T11. Alternatively Tier 12 Sheep Minions, but those are more expensive.

Good minions for cash are(some of information took from HyMinions):

- Inferno Minions(the most expensive ones, therefore are the best for money).
- Top tier Mycelium or Red Sand Minions. Also very expensive. Among best.
- Glowstone(pretty good for money, however I recommend looting em often).
- Sheep Minion Tier 12.
- Cow Minion Tier 12.
- Magma Cube Tier 12 Minion. Better then slimes, however are more expensive.
- Slime Minion Tier 11.
- Tarantula/Revenant/Voidling minions. Are very expensive but are very good ones, among best.
- Lapis minion. Pretty good, not that expensive, but isn't cheap too.
- Jungle and Acacia are best among foraging minions.

Credit to Davinc3E for suggestion.

XVII. How do I kill/survive Tier II Voidgloom?

Tier 2 Enderman boss isn't hard.

You need...

Bare minimum - 3/4 Shadow Assassin, helmet - any of Zombie Hearts(I recommend choosing Crystallized/Revived). Ancient reforge for armor.

Decent - 3/4 Necron's Armor, helmet - Reaper Mask. Ancient reforge for armor.

As a replacement for those 3/4 armor sets you may use Crimson Armor, but keep in mind, Crimson is lacking defense. Ancient reforge for armor.

Overkill - Final Destination with 10k+ kills. You may go for it if you still not sure, whether you can kill tier II boss or not or you just wanna make sure to not die. Ancient reforge for armor.

However it requires Enderman Slayer Level 4.

Magical Power(MP):

Bare minimum - 350-399.
Decent - 400-549. 500 is actually nice to have, because as I mentioned in question number 5, you wanna have this magical power for Juju.
Overkill - 600+.


The only pets that are overkill: Ender Dragon or Golden Dragon.

Other pets you can use:
- Enderman pet(Epic+; pet gives damage reduction against endermans. Mythic one also gives combat xp against endermen).
- Baby Yeti(gives defense for strength).
- Legendary Lion(DPS, no only this pet offers +20 damage to your weapon, but also up to +150% additive, if you are attacked).
- Turtle(Helps surviving with extra defense, legendary version has 'unflippable' perk, which is basically dwarf shelmet).
- Legendary Giraffe(DPS pet + longer swing range, let's you hit further).

Bare minimum - VoidEdge Katana. Fabled reforge.

Decent - VoidEdge Katana + High DPH weapon: Giant's Sword/Shadow Fury. However you may get away with Voidedge + Livid too. Withered/Fabled reforge.

Strat: Use VoidEdge to get ferocity against endermans, but not DPS.

Overkill - Any stronger weapon. Example: Hyperion(RCM), Vorpal, Midas Staff(RCM), Atomsplit.

Helpful utilities:

- Machine gun or Dragon Shortbows with explosive arrows for hitphase.
- Wand of Restoration/Atonement.
- Wither Cloak sword(not exactly needed, but nice too have in case beacon is way too far).
- Aspect of the End/Void.
- Mana Flux or better tier healing orb.
- Florid Zombie Sword.
- Necromancer tool(ex. Summoning Ring, Reaper Scythe, Necromancer Sword) with summons, in case you find shortbows with arrows slow.

Combat level 30+ is nice to have.

Credit for suggestion: Davinc3E.

XVIII. Okay, how do I slay Tier III and Tier IV Voidgloom?

Tier III:

Isn't much different from Tier II. The only difference that you are now for sure need 10K+ kills Final Destination armor, Vorpal Katana to damage boss, and instead of using Dragon or Machine Gun shortbow, you may use Juju Shortbow, possibly with Duplex I.

However I recommend getting atleast 500 MP this time. Combat 40+ is nice to have.

Tier IV:

There are now two ways of doing it. RCM and Melee.

Melee: stays pretty much same, except you now need 75K+ kills final destination armor(alternatively, you may use Burning Tier or higher Crimson Armor), Atomsplit(you may still use Vorpal, but Atomsplit is just way better).

Pet: Ender Dragon is highly recommended, however legendary baby yeti/turtle with bubble gum pet item is nice alternative.

Utility items are still same(except now Overflux or better orb is needed), however if you have hyperion you may use it for additional healing.

Magical Power:

Bare minimum - 650 - 799
Decent - 800 - 999. As i mentioned before, this magical power is also nice to have in case you going for Terminator. Refer to question 6.
Overkill - 1,000+

Ender Artifact/Relic is nice to have. Vampire Dentist Relic is also very nice thing and helps with surviving, while going for a lot cheaper then Ender Artifact/Relic(ty Davinc3E for reminding).

Combat 50+ is recommended.

RCM: Practically same as Melee in terms of requirements and gear, except now you wanna do RCM, your Final Destination/Burning+ Aurora/Burning+ Crimson should have necrotic + loving.

Atomsplit/Vorpal used only for shield phase with Juju/Terminator or alternatively good summons like M4+ tanks.

For weapons: Hyperion + Fire Veil Wand or Midas' Staff.

For pet: Golden Dragon(Ender Dragon is way better though), Sheep pet(if you realised you wasted everything on gear, but forgot about pet), Lion pet also may work out, cuz it's ability procs on magic damage too.

Guide - [SKYBLOCK FAQ] Answer on the most frequently asked questions related to skyblock (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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