Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (2024)

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (1)

Jewish holiday, Friday night dinner, feeling under the weather or just because - Chicken Soup is always our family favorite! Just like my grandma used to make, this homemade chicken noodle soup,with Matzo Balls and Egg Noodles, is easy enough for even the most cooking challenged!

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Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (2)

Jewish holiday, Friday night dinner, feeling under the weather or just because – Chicken Soup is always our family favorite! Just like my grandma used to make, this homemade chicken soup recipe,with Matzo Balls and Egg Noodles, is easy enough for even the most cooking challenged!

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (3)

There are tons of recipes that promise a great soup in half of the time to make it, but be warned, you will trade time for quality. Authentic chicken soup takes some time to make, but the rich and savory taste will make it worth the wait. Don’t be afraid to make chicken soup from scratch – it isn’t as hard as you think and the taste is worlds better than canned soup!

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (4)

Listen, I am all about short cuts, but not when it impacts the taste. This is simply the best chicken noodle soup you will ever make. You will never eat chicken soup in a can again after you taste the rich and tender chicken broth and oodles of egg noodles, vegetables and matzo balls. Make extra and freeze it! It warms up like a dream!

Nothing cures a cold like a home remedy of a bowl of traditional Jewish chicken soup. My Grandma Lee had the best Jewish penicillin chicken soup recipe. This was a staple on Friday night Shabbat dinners, Rosh Hashanah, Passover or just for a weeknight dinner. She would often make a big Tupperware full of chicken soup and matzo balls for me to take up to school (she wanted to make sure I ate well when I was away!)

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (5)

How to Make Homemade Chicken Soup

Many people claim a homemade chicken noodle soup recipe, but they use canned or boxed chicken soup in their recipe. Trust me….there IS a difference! If you want that true homemade chicken soup taste, read on!

My sister, Julie, got her famous recipe right from my Grandma Lee over the phone.As most of you know, I am not the cook in the family….. that’s my sister, Julie. So, while I would ask my grandma to make it for me, Julie had the foresight to ask her to teach her how to make it.

She talked her through the whole thing. She never wrote it down, but we did! Below is our best approximation of the basic recipe she taught us.

Everyone likes their chicken soup a bit different. Grandma strained hers so it was clear and then added the pieces of carrots back in. We like a few more bits in it so I don’t strain it. Sometimes we chop up the onions and celery and leave them in as well. We never make it exactly the same twice. We throw in a bit more a bit less, but somehow it always comes out tasting just like it’s supposed to!

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (6)

How long can you keep homemade chicken soup?

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (7)

Chicken soup can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Beyond that I would recommend freezing it in either a container or heavy duty freezer bags. Either way, I usually keep the noodles and matzo balls separate and put them in the soup when I am ready to warm it up.

Why is chicken soup good for a cold?

They say that chicken soup helps to clear the nasal passages and it acts as an anti inflammatory which helps with the cold symptoms!

Chicken Soup Recipe

4.78 from 18 votes

Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (8)

Jewish Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Author — Jennifer Fishkind

Serves — 8

Jewish holiday, Friday night dinner, feeling under the weather or just because – Chicken Soup is always our family favorite! Just like my grandma used to make, this homemade chicken noodle soup,with Matzo Balls and Egg Noodles, is easy enough for even the most cooking challenged!



Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Cook Time 2 hours hrs

Total Time 2 hours hrs 20 minutes mins


  • 1 small whole chicken bones and skin left on
  • 1 medium onion whole
  • 1 lb carrots cut into 1-2 inch pieces
  • 5-6 stalks celery with leaves left on
  • 3-4 large sprigs fresh dill
  • 2 -3 tablespoons Osem Chicken Style Consomme or any type of chicken soup base
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 lb egg noodles
  • matzo balls see note below


  • Place the chicken and the onion in a large stock pot

  • Fill with cold water

  • Bring to simmer

  • Skim fat from the top before adding in remaining ingredients

  • Add in carrots, celery, dill salt and pepper

  • Simmer partially covered for at least an hour to an hour and a half

  • You will know when it is getting close when the chicken begins to fall apart

  • Cook for another 1/2 hour after that

  • Remove the chicken, onion, celery and dill from the pot

  • Add in egg noodles and cook as directed on the package

  • Remove the chicken from the bone and add it back to the pot if desired

  • *The secret of the perfect Matzo Ball: Use the packaged stuff. Manischewitz Matzo Ball Mix. I have had many a homemade matzoh ball in my day, but the best ones come straight from the box. They have it proportioned perfectly, so I never bother with trying to figure it out myself. Save yourself the aggravation, follow the directions on the box and make the perfect ball!

Nutrition Info

Calories: 250kcal | Carbohydrates: 47g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 47mg | Sodium: 71mg | Potassium: 404mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 9650IU | Vitamin C: 5.4mg | Calcium: 52mg | Iron: 1.4mg

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Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (9)

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Chicken Soup Recipe: Homemade Remedy - Princess Pinky Girl (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.