ALL Chapters & Episodes of The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf - Page 560 (2024)

5829 chapters

Chapter 5591

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Landon was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Okay, Mr. Zachary. I will definitely do my best to swindle… Oh, no, I mean, to introduce more customers to you!”Zachary reminded him, “Don’t be so focused on getting more customers. The big customer from Hong Kong might come soon, and that is the real big investor!”Landon said excitedly, “You can rest assured, Mr. Zachary! I will definitely not screw up!”After hanging up the phone, Landon paced back and forth excitedly. He was unaware that Mr. Chardon had already overheard his entire conversation with Zachary.Mr. Chardon did not notice any abnormalities from Landon’s conversation with Zachary. On the contrary, his previous judgment was strengthened, and he firmly believed that the other good things that Zachary had mentioned might be some other magical instruments. He was extremely excited as he thought of this. To him, gaining a magical instrument was an important matter that was equivalent to a martial artist suddenly gaining a comp

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Chapter 5592

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

After Zachary hung up the phone with Landon, he reported the situation to Charlie immediately. Charlie, who received the call, had already arrived at Champs Elys Resort. Charlie planned to spend as much time as possible here during this period of time to prevent any emergencies because Champs Elys Resort was not far from Willow Manor, where his grandparents lived. He had asked Isaac to prepare a powerful rescue helicopter to be on standby here at all times so that the helicopter could take off directly and arrive at Willow Manor within two to three minutes once there was an emergency.Charlie was immediately in awe when he heard Zachary say that someone at the airport was willing to pay three million dollars to buy the jade ring he had prepared.Charlie knew that the person he was waiting for was finally here!He had guessed that the people from the Qing Eliminating Society would definitely come to Aurous Hill, but he did not expect that he would come so quickly!Zachary then a

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Chapter 5593

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

After Charlie met Zachary in Isaac’s office, he asked him, “Did you bring over the piece of Thunderstrike wood I gave you?”Zachary took the Thunderstrike wood out of his pocket, handed it to Charlie, and said, “I brought it here with me. Take a look at it, Master Wade.”Charlie nodded and told him, “Zachary, go out and wait for me for a while.”Zachary said without hesitation, “Okay! Master Wade, please do not hesitate to call me if you need anything.”Zachary then left the office respectfully. Charlie quickly used his Reiki to make some adjustments to the formation in the Thunderstrike wood. A few minutes later, he called Zachary in, handed the Thunderstrike wood that had been adjusted to him, and then inserted some Reiki into Zachary as he said, “Zachary, you should go back with this piece of Thunderstrike wood now. If the other party asks you about the details of the tomb robbing and whether you have any other products besides this piece of Thunderstrike wood, just tell him t

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Chapter 5594

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Mr. Chardon felt like a person who had wanted to win the lottery for a hundred years but had never won even once. Now, he had suddenly won two jackpots in a row.To put it bluntly, it was equivalent to him buying lottery tickets for a lifetime and never winning even the consolation prize of five dollars. As a result, he had suddenly won the grand prize for both Mega Millions and Grand Lotto!His one hundred and fifty-six years of life experience did not cause him to doubt whether this was a trap at all. His reason for not having any doubts was very simple as well. It was simply because the British Lord himself did not own many magical instruments. Mr. Chardon had worked with the British Lord for so many years, and the British Lord had only given him a magical instrument that he could use for self-defense. Moreover, the magical instrument was not a gift from the British Lord. Mr. Chardon would have to return it to the British Lord for safekeeping when he returned. Therefore, who w

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Chapter 5595

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Mr. Chardon was completely stunned when he heard this. He did not know that this was the latest script that Charlie had prepared for Zachary, so he could only explain himself helplessly and innocently, “Boss, I’m really not an undercover cop…”“Don’t say anymore.” Zachary waved his hand and said impatiently, “To be honest with you, I asked him to quote a price of three million dollars for the jade ring in order to detect the presence of cops. Anyone who has a proper understanding of antiques would find the price to be absolutely outrageous as soon as they hear the price. Only those undercover cops who want to find out more clues will agree to the price in order to seize the opportunity to find out more clues.”Having said that, Zachary added, “But let me tell you, this trick of yours won’t work with me!”Mr. Chardon was truly speechless. He did not expect that this would be the reason why the other party was only quoting three million dollars for the jade ring. Mr. Chardon was eve

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Chapter 5596

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Mr. Chardon was furious, and he did not realize that he had completely believed in everything Zachary wanted him to believe in precisely because of his anger.He believed that Zachary was an antique dealer who was closely related to tomb robbing. Therefore, Mr. Chardon had a firm belief that he was simply lucky to be able to come across these two magical instruments, and it could not be a trap!He only had one thought in his mind at this moment, and that was to determine how he could get Zachary to believe him and sell him the magical instruments he had!Therefore, he could only suppress his anger and remain patient. He even spoke with a bit of humility as he said, “Boss, to be honest with you, I’m really not an undercover cop. I can use an overseas bank account to settle the bill in US dollars for you. Even if the domestic police want to catch you using an undercover cop and even if they really prepared millions of dollars to uncover clues for law enforcement, they cannot possibl

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Chapter 5597

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

“Wait a while.” Zachary said casually, “I asked my subordinate to wait for the businessman from Hong Kong at the airport. The businessmen from Hong Kong are all cautious and have never called or sent any text messages let alone tell us which flight they are taking to Aurous Hill. They have to meet and identify the secret code and token before they reveal their identity, so it can happen at any time. My subordinate has to continue waiting there.”Zachary did not dare to ask Landon to come over because Landon had also been deceived by him. If Landon were to expose any clues after he came, all of Zachary’s previous efforts would be in vain.Therefore, Zachary thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t we do this? I’ll ask him to get an errand boy in the city to deliver the ring to you.”Mr. Chardon hurriedly said, “No, that wouldn’t do. How can you let others handle such an expensive item? If it’s not convenient for your subordinate to come over, I can go and find him to get the ring my

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Chapter 5598

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Mr. Chardon had finally gained Zachary’s ‘trust’ after a long process of explanation and flattery. He also remitted a total of eight hundred thousand US dollars to Zachary’s bank account directly. After Zachary had received the money, he was overjoyed and quickly said to Mr. Chardon, “Oh, old man, it turns out that you’re not an undercover cop, but you’re the God of Wealth!”Mr. Chardon asked impatiently. “Since I’ve already paid for the item, does the item belong to me now?”Zachary handed the Thunderstrike wood directly to Mr. Chardon and said, “You can take this first. The jade ring will be delivered here in a short while.”Mr. Chardon was overjoyed. He played with the Thunderstrike wood that was in his hand, and his fondness for it could not be explained with words. He no longer felt any hatred or resentment toward Zachary at this point. He just wanted to find an uninhabited place so that he could try out the power of this magical instrument made out of Thunderstrike wood.

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Chapter 5599

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

When Zachary saw that Mr. Chardon was extremely cautious, he knew that this matter could not be forced and should not be rushed. Therefore, he patted his chest and said, “Okay then, Sir, you can come over again in the morning tomorrow and take a look.”Mr. Chardon approached and deliberately lowered his voice, saying, “Boss, how about this? I’ll pay you two hundred thousand US dollars in advance. If there’s anything new, you should keep it for me first instead of displaying it so that others will not snatch it before me. It would be best if I happen to like the item after I’ve seen it, otherwise, you can continue selling it to others. What do you think?”Zachary thought for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay, I won’t hesitate since you’re so straightforward. We’ll do as you say, then.”Mr. Chardon was overjoyed. He took out his cell phone once again and transferred another two hundred thousand US dollars to Zachary’s bank account. Mr. Chardon spent a whopping one and a half mil

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Chapter 5600

The Charismatic Charlie Wade/Lord Leaf

Just as Mr. Chardon was heading toward Mount Phoenix, Charlie received a text message from Zachary. In the message, Zachary only wrote one sentence: ‘New store opening next month.’ Upon seeing it, Charlie immediately replied with a thumbs-up emoji.This was the code that they had agreed upon. ‘New store opening’ was a slang in the tomb raiding industry which meant there was a new tomb to be raided. According to their agreement, once the Thunder Order was sold, Zachary would send this code to Charlie. The reason for having such a code was as a precaution. If someone with ill intentions saw it, they would think it was two tomb robbers planning a new operation, not connecting it to anything else.Upon receiving the message, Charlie knew that the Thunder Order had been sold, so he immediately called Isaac. Ten minutes later, Isaac sent several video clips to Charlie.These video clips were surveillance recordings from the airport arrival hall and the vicinity of Zachary’s stall in A

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ALL Chapters & Episodes of The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf - Page 560 (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.