6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (2024)

This recipe is: dairy freenut free

These quick and easy fish cakes are fun appetizer or main course made with cod, or you favorite white fish. Pair them with homemade tartar sauce to really take this recipe to a new level.Makes 16 fish cakes.

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6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (1)

Why I love this easy fish cake recipe

I’m a huge fan of all things seafood, and these fish cakes are no exception. I first made them two years ago for New Year’s Eve, and they were a hit, and this year I plan to make them for Christmas (along with my Canadian meat pie) I’ve tweaked the recipe a little since, though.

I’ve simplified it, and limited the ingredients to make these cod cakes a more realistic option for weeknight dinners and last minute get-togethers. Fish cakes a great alternative to crab cakes – especially if you’re on a budget.

They’d also be a great way to use up leftover fish, if you have it. I’ve laced them with my favorite seafood seasoning, and I paired them with my favorite homemade tartar sauce. You could also serve your fish cakes with your favorite remoulade (think like a crab cake here!) or co*cktail sauce for something a little lighter.

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (2)

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6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (3)

Here’s what you’ll need to make these cod fish cakes

  • Baked cod (or other flaky white fish, such as pollack or haddock)
  • Panko breadcrumbs (make sure you check the ingredients for dairy free)
  • Green onions
  • Eggs
  • Lemon juice
  • Old Bay (or your favorite seafood seasoning)
6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (7)

How to prepare your cod

Start by cooking your cod. You can prepare it anyway you want, as long as it’s cooked through. If you have enough leftovers from another meal, that’s even better.

I usually chose to bake mine because I think it’s the easiest option. To bake your cod, put it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Season it liberally with salt & pepper, and bake for 20 – 25 minutes at 350˚F.

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (8)

How to make 6 ingredient fish cakes

Place all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir together with a fork, flaking the fish as you go. The texture may seem a bit dry, but I promise they won’t be once they’re cooked. When the ingredients are evenly mixed, it’s time to portion them out.

You can make your cakes any size you want, but I prefer mine a bit smaller. I used a two tablespoon scoop to measure them evenly, and then pressed them flat into the shape I wanted. The larger your cakes are, the longer they will take to cook.

More 5 ingredient mains: slow cooker beef tacos /walnut crusted salmon/ beer brined chicken drumsticks / baked stuffed pork chops

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (9)

Fry your fish cakes

Once your cakes are all measured out, heat a large skillet to medium-high and add your cooking oil of choice.You can really use any type of oil here since your pan won’t be getting super hot. I’ve used both olive oil and canola oil. Just use whatever you have on hand.

Fry your fish cakes in two batches so you have enough room for flipping. I used my regular plastic spatula, but if you have a fish spatula, this would be a really great time to use it (the extra length helps you be maneuver a little better).

Let your fish cakes fry on the first side for about 3 minutes before flipping them. They should release on their own without much effort.

If they seem stuck, don’t force it. Wait a little longer and they will release on their own.

This will help prevent your fish cakes from breaking and ensure you get that nice golden-brown color. If you’re worried about them getting cold, keep your first batch warm in the warm oven while you fry the next batch.

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (10)

This fish cakes recipe would pair really well with:

  • Broccoli salad (perfect for summer)
  • Kale and brussel sprouts salad (great for the colder months)
  • Caesar co*cktail
  • Brandy old fashioned
  • Blue moon ice cream

More great appetizer recipes:

  • Shrimp toast
  • BBQ pulled pork nachos
  • Thai tuna cakes
  • Spicy chicken sliders


6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (11)

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes

★★★★★4.9 from 15 reviews
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These quick and easy fish cakes are fun appetizer or main course made with cod, or you favorite white fish. Pair them with homemade tartar sauce to really take this recipe to a new level.Makes 16 fish cakes.

  • Author: Melissa Belanger
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 16 fishcakes 1x



  • 1 pound cooked cod
  • 3/4 cup panko
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced green onion
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon Old Bay
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Cooking oil


  1. Place ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir the ingredients together with a fork, breaking apart the fish, until evenly combined.
  2. Portion mixture into patties (about 2 tablespoons each).
  3. Coat the bottom of a large skillet with cooking oil and heat to medium-high. Fry fish cakes in batches until golden brown, about 3 minutes per side.
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Frying
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 2 cakes
  • Calories: 108
  • Sugar: 0.7 g
  • Sodium: 392.1 mg
  • Fat: 3.5 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 6.3 g
  • Fiber: 0.4 g
  • Protein: 12.7 g
  • Cholesterol: 72.6 mg

Keywords: dairy free, seafood, fish, cod, easy, 5 ingredient, Fish cake, fish cakes, fish cakes recipe, fish cake recipe, fish cake recipes, fish patties, how to make fish cakes, cod cakes, cod fish cakes, fishcake recipe, fishcakes, recipe for fish cakes, fried fish cakes, easy fish cakes recipe

Published: July 26, 2018. Updated: September 26, 2023.

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. I will never recommend a product I don’t use or trust.

6 Ingredient Fish Cakes Recipe (2024)


How do you keep homemade fish cakes from falling apart? ›

How do you keep fish cakes from falling apart?
  1. Use forks to flake your leftover fish into small pieces (smaller flakes hold together better when forming the cakes).
  2. Have a clean plate or baking sheet lined with parchment paper ready before you form your fish cakes.
Oct 29, 2022

What is the best binder for fish cakes? ›

Eggs and cracker crumbs will help bind everything together below a drift of spice. Make sure to leave some time to chill the resulting patties in the refrigerator – the cold will help them set up so they don't fall apart in the sauté pan.

What are the components of fish cake? ›

A fishcake (sometimes written as fish cake) is a culinary dish consisting of filleted fish or other seafood minced or ground, mixed with a starchy ingredient, and fried until golden. Asian-style fishcakes usually contain fish with salt, water, starch, and egg. They can include a combination of fish paste and surimi.

How are fish cakes made? ›

  1. Peel and cut up potatoes.
  2. Place in pot with fillets and cover with cold water.
  3. Boil until the potatoes are"fork done".
  4. Drain off the water.
  5. Mash the potatoes and fish together.
  6. Mix chopped onion, eggs, and 1 tablespoon water.
  7. Add this to the fish and potatoes and mix well.

How do you get fish cakes to stick together? ›

The proteins in the egg will help bind together your fish cake mix as it cooks. Think of it as your glue: Without it, your fish cakes are going to fall apart. At minimum, you'll want to use one egg for every pound or so of fish so that you have enough “glue.” More is fine, though.

Why are my fish cakes rubbery? ›

Improper coating: If the coating on the fish is too thick or uneven, it can trap moisture inside and prevent the fish from cooking evenly, leading to a rubbery texture. Stale or old fish: Fish that is not fresh will deteriorate more quickly and become rubbery when fried.

How do you make a homemade binder? ›

You can turn one old shirt into a binder as well. To do this, cut the sleeves off, then cut the seams on both sides of the shirt. you now have two binders. To put this binder on, wrap it around your chest as tightly as you can without causing pain or discomfort.

What can I use as a binder for fish? ›

First, use the right “glue.” If you've got the time and patience, a traditional breading (flour, egg and breadcrumbs) will work, but a far less messy and time-consuming binder is mayonnaise. It brings a bit of richness to the fish and spreads onto the fillets with a spatula so you can keep your hands clean.

How do you bind without a binder? ›

One of the most common ways to chest bind without wearing a binder is with a sports bra. Not only is this a less restrictive option than a binder, but you probably already have a sports bra or two, so you wouldn't need to purchase anything new.

What are the 6 main components in cakes? ›

These basic ingredients for baking a cake are; flour, eggs, fat (usually butter), sugar, salt, a form of liquid (usually milk), and leavening agents (such as baking soda).

What is pink and white fish cake made of? ›

This processed roll is primarily made of frozen surimi (processed, pureed whitefish), while the pink swirl comes from food coloring. Invented in the 1800s and prepared by slicing and steaming, narutomaki has a history of gracing traditional noodle soups, such as ramen and soba.

What is a Japanese fish cake made of? ›

Japanese. Japanese fish cakes, kamaboko, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Fish cakes are made from ground fish and flour or starch that is formed into small loafs and then steamed or fried. Fish cakes are used in a variety of Japanese dishes such as soups and stews, appetizers and boxed lunches.

What is the pink swirl in fish cake? ›

Narutomaki is made from surimi (white fish paste) that's been molded into a log and steamed. The pink spiral comes from dying half of the surimi with red food coloring and then rolling it into a cylinder.

What's the difference between fish fingers and fish cakes? ›

What is the difference between fish cakes and fish fingers? My mother's fish cakes were a sort of rissole made with a small quantity of fish but with mostly potato. Fish fingers, on the other hand, appear to be fish scraps reconstituted into that unnatural rectangular shape with few additives.

What to put with fish cakes? ›

The best side dishes to serve with fish cakes are tartar sauce, potato wedges, guacamole, coleslaw, green salad, roasted vegetables, mashed sweet potatoes, steamed vegetables, Spanish rice, corn on the cob, potato salad, garlic bread, grilled vegetables skewers, cucumber salad, garlic aioli, and cornbread.

What causes a homemade cake to fall? ›

Why did my cake sink in the middle?
  • 1 – Your ratio of ingredients is incorrect. ...
  • 2 – Your cake tin is too small. ...
  • 3 – You're undermixing your cake batter. ...
  • 4 – You're overmixing your cake batter. ...
  • 5 – You're opening the oven door too early when checking your cake. ...
  • 6 – Your oven is too cold.
Apr 28, 2023

What keeps cake from falling apart? ›

Get an oven thermometer and make sure your temperature falls within the right range. You under-mixed the batter. Leaving pockets of dry ingredients that aren't mixed into the batter well enough can cause weak points inside your cake. Make sure to mix your batter thoroughly and that there are no dry spots.

How do you fix a falling cake? ›

How to Fix Sunken Cake
  1. Step 1: Cut the outer ring of cake. Take your fallen cake and cut the ridge from around the sunken middle, so the top of the cake is level. ...
  2. Step 2: Fill in the gap in the cake. Using the excess cake, fill the sunken middle in and smooth it out. ...
  3. Step 3: Cover with frosting.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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